Sorry for the lack of posts the last few days folks. On Friday night, the cold that I thought was going away came back with a vengence. I managed to get some chores done on Saturday and we also picked up our Christmas tree before I started running a fever.
We had some drama finding the screws that went with the tree stand, so we weren't able to decorate until this morning when we found the screws. I also skipped church and a girl scout trip to get some much needed rest. I'm still sick, but I feel much better than I did this morning.
Here's our tree. I cut off the top of the pic..oops. We've got a lit angel on top of the tree. The tree we picked out this year smells wonderful!!! The smell of pine makes me SO happy. Its hard to see the tree skirt, but its a Disney one with all the characters dressed as toy soldiers. The skirt was a Christmas gift from my dad a few years ago.

This wooden bear is my favorite ornament. I bought it when I was pregnant and its been my favorite since. Something about it just says old school Christmas. Maybe because it doesn't light up or talk or need batteries. LOL
Here I am being silly with a wreath I made last year. I normally don't take pics without makeup, but when you're sick, you just don't care. haha. Pi's face is hysterical in this pic!!!
I felt bad that we skipped the girl scout trip, so I promised my little monster that we'd break in the new cookie cutters I got for my birthday and bake sugar cookies. We haven't decorated them yet, but they're tasty even without icing!!
I've done a little crocheting this weekend, though not as much as I'd like.
With curly hair, its nearly impossible to wear a regular hat in the mornings when my hair is wet. If I do, I end up with flat hair on top...not a good look! So I wanted a headwrap that would cover my ears and forehead but leave the back of my hair open.
After a few days of sketching and playing with gauge, I came up with this. Its a headwrap with jacob's ladder for texture. I really like it! Its just a bit too wide for me. so before I write up the final pattern, I'm going to change the width to make it a bit more narrow at the top.
Side view. I added a button to make it easy to put on and take off. Tell me what you think. Suggestions on changes?
If you've made it this far, I'll reward you with a funny video. I bought the dancing Santa in that video when Pi was 2. She didn't take an interest in it until she was 5, but let me tell you, the kid LOVES this thing now! She looks forward to it nearly as much as the tree itself. She plays it and dances along to it NON-STOP!!
Its the kind of thing I'll need to show her boyfriends when she grows up.
(just so you know, I asked Pi's permission to post that)