Monday, March 2, 2009

I Haz Internets

I've been trying to get on here for a few days but my Internet connection was out. The weather wasn't bad most of the weekend, so that's not the cause. The Internet just goes poof sometimes and I'm glad its back. You never realize how much you rely on it until its not available.

Speaking of weather, we had a doozy of a snowstorm last night into this morning. I'm not sure exactly how much we got, but it was definitely more than 6 inches this morning when I left for work.

I had an argument with myself about whether I should take a sick day and stay home. I actually am a little sick (not crazy bad though), so it would have been justifiable, but my brain screamed DEADLINE. So off I went.

NYC Public schools closed, which hasn't happened since 2004. Pi goes to private school, but its a rule that when the public schools close, so do private schools. Pi was haaaaappy. That's the understatement of the year, haha. She's talking about how she wishes it would snow more tonight, so she can have another snow day.

On last Friday's weigh-in, I didn't lose anything. I didn't gain anything either. I'm not upset though because I expected a gain. Don't ask me why I expected a a gain. Its a mystery, really. *whistles*

Those may or may not have been accompanied by chocolate chip cookies. heehee :)

I'm all done with the purple round ripple I started last week. I just need to get a picture. I love near instant gratification.


Kristina P. said...

WEll, at least there was no weight gain!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Congrats!! now I know why you hadn't been updating your blog!

Laura said...

A few french fries and cookies once in a while never hurt anyone!

And I'm amazed that NYC schools haven't closed since 2004. You guys must get a lot less snow then we get here in Cleveland. My daughter had four snow days last year, and two already this year. Just don't send any of that snow you got there to Cleveland - we don't want anymore, LOL!