I'm using Joanns's Rainbow Boucle and a K hook. I love the feel of this yarn and I love the way the color gradually stripes itself. It was a bit of a mother trying to start working with this yarn, but after a little frogging, I got the hang of it.
I haven't decided yet if I want to keep this one or give this to my other (non-dirty) grandmother for Christmas. Never too early to start, eh? She loves bright colors and this would be great for her. If I decide to give it to her, I'll definitely make myself one too, though maybe in a different color.
I need your opinion peeps. I really like this colorway, but anonymous hubby seems to think it looks like seaweed. He says I look like some sort of sea creature covered in seaweed! I've asked a few people I know their opinions and its a mixed bag. Some say it looks great and some say I could be in the next rendition of the little mermaid.
Also, March is National Crochet Month. Whodathunkit? In celebration, I'd like to pop my blog contest cherry!
I'm thinking something along the lines of a funny picture that people can try to come up with the funniest caption for. Knitters welcome too, of course. They can have a week to submit the captions and then I'd put up a poll on the side of the blog for a week, where people can vote. The funniest (by vote) will win a prize from me...probably a skein of yarn and some other small thing. What do you think? Would you participate?