FGM, I'm so humbled by your thoughtfulness and kindness. Tomorrow, I am home from work again, so I am going to enjoy the tea you sent and get to work on finishing the scrapghan for my mom. Big big hugs to you, whoever you are!
Since I was home today too (and Pi was at school!), hubby pulled out my 1960's sewing machine to practice on. I've always loved those hook roll cases and decided I was going to make one come hell or high water. About 5 very long hours later, I had this!
Definitely a challenge for me and I made lots of newbie mistakes that are evident if you take a close look, but I'm so proud that I did it without any assistance. Well, hubby assisted when the sewing machine started to vibrate, but that doesn't count, haha.
You can see my straight stitches aren't so straight, but better than they were just last week.
One big mistake that I didn't realize until after I had finished was that I could see the pocket stitches on the outside of my roll. I think I know what I need to do to eliminate that next time. I think I should sew the pocket and its strips to one rectangle of fabric before sewing both rectangles together. In theory, this should work, but I won't be sure til I try it again.
I've got some fabric scraps lying around and plan to try again. If I get the hang of it, I'd like to make some as ROAKs.
I'm going to focus on the scrapghan tomorrow. Hopefully I can get a lot banged out!
FGM worked her wand I see. So nice of her. Loving your hook case so cute. Christina you just amazing me with this sewing oh so fast. Giving you a A plus plus plus keep up the great work.:)
Lovely to read that there are such nice people around!
Aww :) Nice to be reminded that there are people in the world who give out of the heart! That hook case is awesome! I've been thinking of making on too, but I have one I already use that I love...
That was sweet of her!! I dig your roll. And sewing machine vibration--I had to deal with that when the only table we had was a card table!
Cool hook case! I so need one of those!
That hook case is awesome!!! I need one, but there ain't NO way I am dragging the dinasaur sewing machine of mine out!
What a nice surprise that must have been to get that package!
Great job on the hook case! I think it came out really nice!
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