We were supposed to cook our free Shoprite turkey on Friday but it hadn't thawed enough, so we left it for Saturday. Hubby stuck it in the oven at a quarter to 1 and it was all done by 6. My mom lent me her meat thermometer, which made it a lot easier to tell when it was finished.
While hubby made stuffing for himself (Pi and I don't like it) and biscuits, I made the most friggin delicious garlic cheddar potatoes (there goes that modesty again). Its like a heart attack in a bowl.
I was going to make a pumpkin pie for hubby but he said he was in the mood for a mousse pie. I've never made mousse pie before, so I went to allrecipes.com and found this recipe. Super simple and fast to make, even though mine doesn't look as pretty as the one in the picture. If you make it, just start it way before you need it because it needs to chill for a few hours before its done. Hubby topped it with whipped cream and declared it a winner.
In between all that cooking, hooking has been going on. I tested the Sweet Baby Cradle Purse for a woman at Crochetville. She doesn't have the pattern available yet, so I apologize for not being able to link it.
The pattern includes the cradle purse, mattress pad, pillow, and blanket. It folds up into a girl sized purse. I made it red and white for Christmas, hoping I could hide it, but Pi saw it and seized it.
The long weekend has also been awesome for my mom's scrapghan. I'm nearly done with the body. I think I can have it done by tonight, then I'll weave in ends and add a border. The whole shebang should be done by next week which is a HUGE relief.