I’d love to say that I’ve been so craftily productive that I just haven’t had time to blog about it all. I’d love to say that I fear misplacing Piper underneath the pile of FO’s that threatens to take over my apartment. Or that my yarn stash is depleted to dangerously low levels.
Yeah, yeah, go ahead and laugh out loud at that one.
The truth is that I’ve been tired and lazy. There was some sort of Back to School event all last week. The principal’s meeting was a wash because the Biff and Buffy parents couldn’t shut their traps long enough to let anyone hear what was being said. We did get to meet Pi’s teacher who is very young and extremely wet behind the ears. He seems to have a passion for teaching, so I hope that translates into fun and unconventional learning for the class.
Last Friday was the Back to School “block” party. Block goes into quotation marks because it was actually held in the school parking lot. There was a DJ, food, games, and general silliness. It was perfect weather and I had a chance to chat with other parents.
Pi also plays one mean game of water balloon tossing.
How awesome is that expression? Ha!
But not such a mean game in the hula hoop contest.
She was out after 15 seconds or so.
Because I've been so tired, there’s been a whole lot of lazy going on when I can squeeze lazy in! I was especially lazy last weekend when I slept til 12, then took a nap around 3 for oh...two hours! It was heavenly. Pi was with her dad in Brooklyn, so no need to call DCS just yet.
So what have I been doing? Getting up, working, coming home, and crashing.
The place mat I was working on during my commute has been replaced with sleep (dudes, I catch a 6:12 am bus and have to use a flashlight for the driver to see me at the stop) or light reading. In an attempt to cajole the mojo back, I tried sitting at my new craft table to sew some coasters. I figured that was simple enough, but after 2 broken needles and general disaster, I accepted that the mojo is way way off and put it away.
When my mojo is off, I usually head back to the hook (preferably a big one..size J or bigger plskthx) and something that's got the kind of instant gratification bang I need to get things moving again. Since the weather has gotten chilly, a new slouchy hat seems to be in order. Here's hoping that I'll actually have a FO before the weekend is over.
If only I had an ounce of this energy!
Happy Wednesday peeps!