The next most wonderful time of the year is Holidays in July at Crochetville. I love the randomness of this swap and that its all done anonymously. I sent out a few this month, including two crochet hook rolls. No pattern used, just winged it and hoped for the best, haha.
Had to take these pics at night. Sorry for the terrible lighting.
I forgot to hem the pink flowered material on the top roll. I didn't realize it until I'd finished the whole thing. Oops. It looked fine though, so I decided to leave well enough alone.
All the fabric is leftover from other projects. I made shirts out of both the blue and the pink for Pipster. I have a fair amount of that blue leftover. I like it so much, I might make myself a purse out of it.
I also made two of these crinkly ribbon baby toys. One went to a lady who is pregnant with her first little girl and the second went to another woman who just started fostering medical-need babies. The pattern was simple and fast and it turns out so cute. Pattern is here.
Another woman asked for a cell phone holder. I used more of that blue fabric I love so much. I measured my cell phone and guesstimated from there. I made some mistakes, but it still came out pretty well. I used elastic and a button for the closure.
My mailbox has been getting surprises too. Someone sent me 1 1/2 skeins of Patons Grace. I've never used this yarn before. Any suggestions on what to make? Since the yardage is small, I'm thinking something knit?
I also received a really sweet Christmas card and a thread crochet bookmark. I can really never have to many bookmarks, since I'm usually reading 99 books at once.
And awesome is this...someone bought me the City Tote pattern from Keyka Lou's etsy store! I'm hoping to try this one out before I move, but it depends on how the packing goes.
Well, back to sorting and packing. Fun! :X